If you have not stayed far from your dog even for a day, taking them to a boarding or a dog daycare can be an emotional roller coaster. There are certain situations where you might have to make such a tough decision. These facilities are the best for keeping your innocent pet in the best condition while you are away.

Why Take Your Pet to a Boarding?

No matter which dog boarding in Bicester you go to, as an owner, you want the best for your pet. The boarding facility should be able to provide shelter, food, and care to your dog and observe their physical and emotional well-being. Initially, keeping them in a boarding may make you anxious. You cannot stop wondering about your pet’s first day at the care facility.

Your Dog’s First Day Experience at a Boarding:

When you hand over the dog to the boarding officials, you can remain assured of proper care. Here are a few things your dog will experience on their first day at a boarding facility.

  • Meet and Greet: When you take your furry friend to the facility, they will no longer experience that homely feel. However, it is important to make them comfortable in their new stay. This is ensured by the staff of the daycare or boarding facility. They will introduce your pet to other dogs, which will help them get acquainted with each other in a controlled, supervised manner.
  • Enough Time for Activities: Once your dog becomes friends with the other canines in the facility, they will surely indulge in different games and activities. This falls under the supervision of the boarding manager. They will provide ample opportunities for running and other physical exercise. Your dog will be introduced to various interesting games like tug of war, fetch, and swimming.
  • Regular Meal and Snack Time: Before handing your dog to the boarding, you must instruct them about their meal time. Depending on these, the facility manager will provide food to your furry friend. You must also ensure to inform them about dietary allergies or reactions. This ensures that your dog gets healthy food throughout the day.

If you are looking for a reliable dog boarding in Bicester, get in touch with Gamegoer Kennels. We can be the second home for your dog, providing regular treats, ample time for activities, and keenly observing their health. To learn more about us, you can visit our website today.